
Genesis of the VikBZ, sixth act - the birth of managers
Strip 6 - Genesis of the VikBZ, sixth act - the birth of managers
Genesis - Sixth act
Elisa Vignali
Fabio Sassi
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


within the fortress of the Vikings' sworn enemy...
within the fortress of the Vikings' sworn enemy lingered a heavy sense of guilt
Dark Lord
you know, I think we made a mistake... invoking those things... it was a mistake
Person in the shadow
I agree, my lord, the Managers are...
Person in the shadow
anyway we enclosed them in the ring again
Dark Lord
listen , it's important that nobody invokes them again! we must destroy the ring!
Person in the shadow
as you want...
Person in the shadow
anyway, we can always invoke other dark terrifying creatures... for example lawyers
Dark Lord
look, I don't even know what they are, but I think we can dedicate ourselves to something else... let's have a happy hour
all the managers were enclosed in the ring again, but among them there were 3 other more tremendous creatures still free... the Management Teachers!
Management teacher
Young man, come here, would you like a drink?
Uton grandfather
are you talking to me sir?
Management teacher
does the ship out there belong to your father?
Uton grandfather
yes sir
Management teacher
we need that ship to spread our teachings all around the world... can we steal it?
Uton grandfather
I don't know sir... I don't think that my father would agree
Management teacher
look Young man, you have to learn to live your life with a more entrepreneurial attitude... blah blah... Sun Tzu... management...
after an hour of an intensive management lesson...
Uton grandfather
the first thing to do is borrow my father's ship, then sell it and speculate on the capital...
the management teachers, with the help of Uton's grandfather, sailed all around the world opening management schools everywhere.
so that's how it all began... due to the fragility of a young viking mankind had to pay a high price , the birth of... managers!


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